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國度轉化的使命 Mission As Kingdom Transformation

時間 Time:2025 年 3 月 15 日(星期六)
地點 Location:CCIC Cupertino 10455 Bandley Dr STE 3, Cupertino, CA 95014
講員 Keynote Speaker:Dr. Craig Ott 克雷格·奧特 博士

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主題信息 Messages 工作坊 A Workshops A 工作坊 B Workshops B · 講員介紹 Speaker Info

主題信息 Messages

Message 1: Kingdom Transformation of Individuals, Churches, and Communities
Message 2: The Surprising Influence of Kingdom Transformation

主題講員 Keynote Speaker:Dr. Craig Ott

工作坊 A Workshops A

A1: Holistic Mission in Asia - History of the Expansion of Christianity into Asia

講員 Speaker:Dr. Alice Ott

A2: 整全宣教與散聚宣教 - 成為宣教導向的挑戰

講員 Speaker:王欽慈牧師/博士

A3: 從創造到新創造 - 關愛受造界的神學

講員 Speaker:池峈鋒博士

A4: 自閉-特殊兒童與教會-從歡迎到接納的神學

講員 Speaker:劉浩宇博士

A5: Service as Christian Formation: Learning to Walk with Jesus in this World

講員 Speaker:John Talbott, Justin Talbott, Nick Gee

工作坊 B Workshops B

B1: Three-Self Principles in China - History of the Expansion of Christianity into Asia

講員 Speaker:Dr. Alice Ott

B2: Sowing Seeds and Planting Hope: From the Desert to the City

講員 Speaker:Pastor Lawrence Ko

B3: 真實的連結-天國使命的結合

講員 Speaker:吴子平牧師/博士

B4: Innovate Fearlessly for Missions

講員 Speaker:Mr. Nick Wu

A5: Autism-Special Needs and the Church - The Practice from Welcoming to Accepting

講員 Speaker:Ms. Melody Goh

講員介紹 Speaker Info

Dr. Craig Ott

Dr. Craig Ott

Dr. Alice Ott

Dr. Alice Ott







John Talbott

John Talbott

Justin Talbott

Justin Talbott

Nick Gee

Nick Gee

Pastor Lawrence Ko

Pastor Lawrence Ko



Mr. Nick Wu

Nick Wu

Ms. Melody Goh

Melody Goh

All Content © 2024 Christian Witness Theological Seminary