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國度轉化的使命 Mission As Kingdom Transformation

時間 Time:2025 年 3 月 15 日(星期六)9AM - 4PM
地點 Location:CCIC Cupertino 10455 Bandley Dr STE 3, Cupertino, CA 95014
講員 Keynote Speaker:Dr. Craig Ott 克雷格·奧特 博士

報名費$30/人 ,集體報名$20/人 (7人及以上) 提供兒童看顧(僅限5-12歲)$10/人
Admission: $30, Group admission: $20 (7 or more) Child Care: $10 (5-12 years old only) 以上費用皆含午餐 (lunch included)

報名鏈接 Registration Link

日程表 Schedule 主題信息 Messages 工作坊 A Workshops A 工作坊 B Workshops B 講員介紹 Speaker Info

日程表 Schedule

時間 Time內容 Events
9:00 AM開幕,歡迎、報告 Opening
9:10 AM敬拜、主題信息 (一) Message 1
10:20 AM休息 Break
10:40 AM工作坊 A Workshops A
12:00 PM午餐 Lunch
1:00 PM工作坊 B Workshops B
2:20 PM休息 Break
2:30 PM敬拜、主題信息 (二) Message 2
3:40 PM報告、祝福、閉幕 Closing

主題信息 Messages

主題講員 Keynote Speaker:Dr. Craig Ott Keynote Speech: Mission as Kingdom Transformation

We, as individuals, are transformed through the gospel of Jesus Christ. As communities of believers (churches), we are transformed to live in reconciliation and love. Then in the power of the Spirit, we become God’s instruments of transformation in the world as salt and light. This is kingdom transformation. It is not so much that by being missional we are transformed. Although that happens, it is not the primary emphasis. Rather God transforms us, then we become His instruments of transformation.

Message 1: Kingdom Transformation of Individuals, Churches, and Communities

  1. Transformation of individuals into kingdom citizens
  2. Transformation of churches into kingdom communities
  3. Transformation of communities through God’s kingdom people

Message 2: The Surprising Influence of Kingdom Transformation

  1. Two Metaphors: Salt & Light
  2. Two Parables: A Mustard Seed & Yeast

工作坊 A Workshops A

A1: Holistic Mission in Asia - History of the Expansion of Christianity into Asia

In my workshop, I will share two historical examples of integral (or holistic) mission in Asia dating from the nineteenth to the early twentieth century. First, I focus on Xi Shengmo, a former opium addict, who after a dramatic conversion, became a key Chinese pastor associated with the China Inland Mission. Pastor Xi’s ministry included supervision of a large group of CIM missionaries, as well as pioneer evangelism in Shanxi province. He founded forty opium refuges, which served as centers for church planting. He also wrote numerous hymns. The second historical example explores the ministry of Pandita Ramabai, a high-caste Hindu woman. Before her conversion, Ramabai gained notoriety as a Hindu scholar and as an advocate for oppressed women in India. After her conversion, she founded the Mukti Mission to combine ministry to oppressed girls and women with evangelistic outreach. Ramabai and her colleague launched a Bible women training center at Mukti. The trained women were sent out to local villages to evangelize, teach the Bible, distribute Scriptures, and form Sunday schools. A major revival broke out at the Mukti Mission, which further impacted the whole region.

講員 Speaker:Dr. Alice Ott

A2: 整全宣教與散聚宣教 - 成為宣教導向的挑戰


講員 Speaker:王欽慈牧師/博士

A3: 從創造到新創造 - 關愛受造界的神學


講員 Speaker:池峈鋒博士

A4: 自閉-特殊兒童與教會-從歡迎到接納的神學



講員 Speaker:劉浩宇博士

A5: Service as Christian Formation: Learning to Walk with Jesus in this World

A professor at the Jesuit school in San Francisco observes that our world is facing an epistemological crisis. We don’t know what is true, what is false, or who is creating the categories about which we argue. Pastors face the unfortunate reality that their congregations are being formed by 24 hour bombardment of news, social media and distracting infotainment. The church in many cases has responded by reducing itself to a weekly pep talk and concert performance. Not surprisingly, churches and synagogues are quickly greying and emptying and the future is not clear. But many of those who won’t set foot in a church are actively involved in ministry and have a hunger for the things of God.

In this context, God still claims to be the ultimate authority, but seems to engage with us through the still small voice we hear when we form relationships in our service. In this workshop, we will look at examples of churches and service organizations that engage in mission in San Francisco and observe how serving has changed people and formed their sense of who they are. We warn you ahead of time that we have not solved any of the culture war questions. Instead, we will describe how working together in community forms people and strengthens their spirits in ways that many of our faith institutions have steered away from.

講員 Speaker:John Talbott, Justin Talbott

工作坊 B Workshops B

B1: Three-Self Principles in China - History of the Expansion of Christianity into Asia

In this workshop, I will discuss the principles of a self-governing, self-propagating and self- supporting national church. These principles were first developed in the 1850s by Henry Venn in Britain and Rufus Anderson in the United States independently of each other. The goal of the Three-Selfs was to produce an independent, indigenous national church: 1) that was governed by national leaders and not foreign missionaries; 2) that was not (overly) dependent on foreign funds to financially support national church leaders and institutions; and 3) that was propagating

the gospel both locally and cross-culturally. Ironically, the missionary slogan of the Three-Selfs was utilized by the Chinese Communist government in the Three Self Patriotic Movement. In this workshop, we will first address the historical background and forerunners to the Three-Selfs. Next, we will examine a pivotal document by Henry Venn entitled “The Organization of Native Churches” (1861). After a brief discussion of Venn’s implementation of the Three-Selfs in Nigeria and Sierra Leone, we will turn to a more fulsome discussion of the partial adoption of the Three-Selfs by Hudson Taylor and the China Inland Mission, and their complete adoption by John Nevius in China and by the American Presbyterian Mission in Korea. The Three-Self principles continue to have relevancy for church planting and the doing of mission today.

講員 Speaker:Dr. Alice Ott

B2: Sowing Seeds and Planting Hope: From the Desert to the City

The workshop introduces the important role which the Church can play in Creation Care, especially in the current climate crisis. The community of faith can point the world from a human-centred consumerist mindset to the role of humans intended by the Creator God. The gospel of Christ proclaims the redemptive work of Christ for the transformation of cosmos from creation to the new creation in Christ, reflecting His supremacy over all things as the all in all. As such, the Church can help recover the cultural mandate as well as the mission mandate commissioned by God in our call to action in response to the climate challenges, whether in the desert or in the city.

講員 Speaker:Pastor Lawrence Ko

B3: 真實的連結-天國使命的結合

本研究從基督教福音派的視角出發,探討「連結神學」的概念及其在溝通與領導中的關鍵角色。在當今關係日益疏離的時代,這一神學強調人與神、人與人之間的連結的重要性。研究假設指出,缺乏有意義的關係和連結,無法實現高效率的溝通表達或領導能力。 「連結神學」為恢復關係深度與意義提供了聖經的藍圖,並能有效地改善溝通與領導的實踐。透過將互動根植於聖經原則,個人和群體能夠在使命中獲得屬靈的成長和現實的成效。這個神學理念不僅回應了現代社會的疏離問題,也為領導者和溝通者提供了切實可行的解決方案。

講員 Speaker:吴子平牧師/博士

B4: Innovate Fearlessly for Missions

Global missions need innovation. When we think about how we are going to reach people who are unreached and engage our churches, especially those with marketplace skills (especially those of the next generation who are digital nativess), how are we going to harness their ideas and resources to think differently and bring fresh, new ideas to impact global missions? This workshop will introduce innovation methods, design thinking, and different digital strategies to help take the Gospel to new people, places, and spaces.

講員 Speaker:Mr. Nick Wu

B5: Autism-Special Needs and the Church - The Practice from Welcoming to Accepting

Children with special needs – disabilities include those with “long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis”. Of the various disabilities, Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the fastest growing neuro-developmental disability in the US and around the world. For Christian communities, the significance of this exponential increase of diagnosed incidence over the last three decades is obvious: ASD “is no longer considered rare but … relatively common, and the likelihood is that most communities are affected in some way by it”. Despite ASD’s prevalence, Christian communities unfortunately remain hostile spaces for autistic individuals and their families through the persistent presence of theological, physical, and attitudinal barriers.

This two-part workshop will articulate plausible paths to address these barriers, with the goal of supporting autistic children meaningfully participate in the social life of the church community and vice versa. This session explores practices that create welcoming spaces in our churches for autistic children to inhabit, belong, and thrive. Hopefully, through these sessions, we will be nudged toward the re-shaping of our values, capacities, and postures such that our communities move away from ableism and reflect inclusion of and accessibility for autistic children.

講員 Speaker:Ms. Melody Goh

講員介紹 Speaker Info

Dr. Craig Ott

Dr. Craig Ott

(PhD Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is a professor of Mission and Intercultural Studies, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is author and editor of numerous publications. Three of Dr. Ott’s books have been voted by International Bulletin of Mission Research as among the top ten or fifteen most significant mission books in their publication year.

Dr. Ott’s particular fields of expertise include theology of mission, contextualization, church planting, and teaching across cultures. He previously worked for 21 years in Germany with ReachGlobal (formerly the EFCA International Mission). He has planted churches in Schaumburg, Illinois, and in Munich, Ingolstadt, Neumarkt, and Markt Indersdorf, Germany. From 1995 to 2002 Dr. Ott served as Central Europe Church Planting Consultant for ReachGlobal, and from 1998 to 2002 he taught at the Akademie für Weltmission in Korntal, Germany, where he continues to teach regularly as an adjunct professor.

He also served from 1994-2020 as adjunct faculty at Theologische Hochschule Ewersbach (Germany). He has taught or consulted national and mission leaders in forty different countries.

Dr. Ott and his wife Alice live in Buffalo Grove, Illinois, and have three grown sons.

Dr. Alice Ott

Dr. Alice Ott

I was raised as one of six daughters in a devout Roman Catholic family in Akron, Ohio. I attended Catholic schools from the first grade through grade twelve. It was during my freshman year at Ohio University that evangelical Christians shared the gospel with me, and during the following summer, I accepted Christ. I spent my junior year at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, I attended a mission meeting where I responded to the challenge to commit my life to missions. To prepare for that goal, after I completed my degree at Ohio University, I attended Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS) and earned a Master of Divinity in Missions. There I also met my husband, Craig Ott, who was likewise pursuing a missionary career. After our marriage, and a two-year church planting ministry in Illinois, we joined the Evangelical Free Church Mission (now ReachGlobal). We served in Germany for twenty years in church planting and theological education. In 2002 Craig accepted the position as a Missions professor at TEDS, and I began my PhD in Church History and graduated in 2008. Since then, I was first an adjunct professor, and since 2012 an affiliate professor of the History of Mission and World Christianity. I have published two books and numerous articles on Church History and Mission History. Craig and I have three married sons on three continents: Germany, United States, and Tanzania, where our youngest son and his family are missionaries.






基督工人神學院教務主任, 系統神學副教授,主授系統神學, 護教學, 西南浸信會神學院哲學博士(主修系統神學)。池老師生長於馬來西亞,十三歲時接受基督為救主和生命的主。八年後,他回應神的呼籲,立志於傳道事奉。池老師曾在美國深造 14 年。他在美國、馬来西亞和澳洲常用英語和華語牧會、教學和講道。 從 2012 至 2016,他是墨爾本神學院中文部神學講師。他的研究和教導興趣包括: 系统和聖經神學、信徒皆祭司的教義、神學和屬靈生命、神學性的講道法。池老師和師母劉必娟育有三個孩子(Anastasia, Timothy, Annabelle)。編著的書籍包括《濡我以靈風》, Restore Unity, Recover Identity, and Refine Orthopraxy: The Believers’ Priesthood in the Ecclesiology of James Leo Garrett, Jr. Eugene。



基督工人神學院實踐神學副教授,主授宣教、佈道、教育。Biola大學哲学博士 (跨文化教育),曾任William Carey International University, Vice President Academic Affairs (2020 – 2022)。劉老師出生在馬來西亞,十歲與父母移民到新加坡。 1997 年聽見主呼召,2005 年到美國受裝備 – 在西南浸信神學院與 Biola 大學完成學業。他曾在新加坡的教育部,Biola 大學,Concordia Chicago 大學,Raffles 基督國際學校 (印尼),和 William Carey 國際大學 擔任教導,訓練,領導的職位,也在南加州,新加坡不同的教會以國語和英語協助講台的服事。他的研究包裹 – 跨文化教育,佛教道教徒的宗教身分和本土化宣教策略。劉老師與妻 Melody 育有五個孩子 (Megan, Malcolm, Meryl, Mitchell, Meredith)。

John Talbott

John Talbott

Came to San Francisco’s Mission District in 1987 with a group of college friends sensing a call to be part of God’s work in the City. John worked in technology while volunteering as a shelter attendant, a youth leader and later a church elder. John and his friends soon learned that following God meant working to break through barriers both in ourselves and in our communities that separate us from each other. John currently volunteers with Faith in Action Bay Area working to build a network where faith leaders from all backgrounds can learn to partner with those closest to the pain and receive the joy of watching God at work. He also serves as the Secretary of the Cumberland Presbyterian Committee on Theology and Social Concern.

Justin Talbott

Justin Talbott

Born and raised in San Francisco’s Mission District. Growing up in a neighborhood shaped by recent immigrants, he learned the gift of hospitality from his neighbors. As he grew older and learned about U.S. immigration laws, he found it unjust that our nation chooses to be inhospitable to the migrant and indigenous communities that taught him hospitality in the first place. Justin graduated from UC Santa Cruz in 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in Linguistics. He took the summer after college to visit Guatemala and learn Spanish as part of his goal to be more hospitable to Central American immigrants arriving in the Bay Area. He joined the Jubilee team because he wanted to advocate for the immigrant community in the Bay Area in a more substantial and sustained way. In 2020, Justin became a fully accredited DOJ Representative.

Pastor Lawrence Ko

Pastor Lawrence Ko

Served as a pastor, corporate trainer and lecturer. He has an active ministry in writing, speaking and teaching at seminaries and institutes of higher education. He served as ED of Singapore Centre for Global Missions (2012-22) and was active with Asian networks including Asia Evangelical Alliance, Asia Lausanne and SEANET. He founded Asian Journeys Ltd in 2002, a social enterprise focused on youth leadership development, mobilising students from universities and tertiary institutions in international volunteerism in urban and environmental projects in Asia. He is author of 2 books on environmentalism entitled Can the Desert Be Green? Planting Hope in the Wilderness and From the Desert to the City: Christians in Creation Care.



吳子平牧師/博士是資深的教牧領袖及教育工作者,現任新加坡基石教會的主任牧師, 他以堅實的信仰根基和領袖典範帶領教會提供教牧關懷,培育全人的教會屬靈環境,滋養信徒的靈命成長。吳博士擁有西三一大學教牧博士學位,他曾在哈該領導學院、新加坡神學院、馬來西亞浸信會神學院教授領導力及情感健康。他是美國基石教會全球董事會成員,致力於促進世界各地教會之間的合作;他也擔任新加坡浸信會執委會成員,負責協調並解決浸信會教會之間的集體挑戰。

Mr. Nick Wu

Nick Wu

Leads as the Indigitous US Director. He guides young adults and students in digital missions projects. He has a passion for telling stories for the missions world through videos. He has helped Indigitous launch their Innovation Internship, and has facilitated design sprints, workshops, content creation, and children’s books. He is currently working on his MA in Intercultural Studies at Dallas Seminary.

Ms. Melody Goh

Melody Goh

Wife and mother of five children ages ranging twenty-two to ten years old, one of whom is diagnosed and on the autism spectrum. She has a Masters in Special Education (Autism Spectrum Disorders), and is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst. Melody was a teacher in a public-school setting and currently practices as a behavior analyst in a public-school district. Her experiences include roles as an in-home therapist, school shadow, case manager and supervisor. Some of her skills include conducting functional behavior assessments, creating intervention plans which program for acquisition of language skills, independent learner skills and interventions aimed at decreasing incidences of maladaptive and socially unacceptable behavior. Through the everyday joys and struggles, her son Mitchell has been teaching her about autism, life, God’s truth and what matters most. It has been a blessing to journey with him and the family along the road of life.

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