The mission of CWTS is to equip biblically competent, spiritually mature, theologically proficient and missionally minded servant-leaders who proclaim Jesus Christ and build up the body of Christ through effective ministry in Chinese churches and Christian organizations worldwide.
The vision of CWTS is to glorify the Triune God as an influential and respected theological institution that supports Chinese churches in fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
Strong Faculty
Programs and Degrees

CWTS offers 13 different degrees and certifications, allowing each student to choose the course that suits them best.

Doctor of Ministry (4-6 years, 40 credits hours)

The D.Min. program is designed to provide pastors holding an M.Div. (or its equivalent) an opportunity for further training through the guidance of experienced teachers and the mutual sharing of students, such that they may be spiritually vitalized and enabled to reflect on a deeper level the theory and practice of their pastoral ministry or other ministries, to appreciate and integrate the two better with fresh insight, and thus serve churches more effectively.

The program consists of 3 components, including required courses, elective courses and thesis-project.

  • Required Courses:Contours of Contemporary Ministry in Chinese Churches and Research Methodology for D.Min., (8 credits)
  • Major Courses:4 courses from the chosen majors. (16 credits)
  • Elective courses: students can either choose 2 courses from other majors, or the following courses in Evangelism and Missions, or one or two special topics for guided study. (8 credits)
  • The thesis / project must be directly related to the major of study, involve the integration of theory and praxis, demonstrate creativity and make a concrete contribution. It can take the form of an academic dissertation, a training manual, a study guide, or a ministry project. (8 credits)

Master of Theology (2 years, 30 credit hours)

This program provides advanced training for those desiring greater mastery of the Bible and theology in preparation for ministry in teaching or further study at the doctoral level. Courses cover biblical studies, theological studies, and teaching and preaching skills. Students can choose one of the three concentrations: Old Testament, New Testament, and Systematic Theology.

Why ThM at CWTS?

  • To prepare yourself for ministry in Chinese theological education
  • To enrich your ministry of teaching, preaching, and/or writing
  • To deepen your theological training through studying advanced topics in theology and biblical studies
  • To prepare for Ph.D. studies

Master of Divinity (3 years, 90 credit hours)

The objective of this program is to provide fundamental and comprehensive training for those preparing for full-time Christian ministry. Courses cover Biblical studies, Biblical languages, theological studies, and practical and ministerial skills. Students are required to participate in the spiritual exercises provided by the seminary, and to fulfill a 2-year field education requirement before graduation.

Master of Biblical Studies (2 years, 60 credit hours)

The objective of this program is to provide fundamental training for those preparing for a ministry in teaching or further study. Courses cover Biblical studies, theological studies, and teaching skills. Students are required to write a thesis, and to fulfill a guided research or teaching practicum.

Master of Christian Ministry (2 years, 60 credit hours)

The objective of this program is to provide fundamental training for those preparing for full-time or part-time ministry. It is not as comprehensive as the M.Div. program, but focuses on practical and Biblical courses. Students are required to participate in the spiritual exercises provided by the seminary, and to fulfill a one-year field education requirement before graduation.

Master of Theological Essentials(3 years,36 credit hours)

The purpose of the Master of Theological Essentials (MTE) is to provide students with a solid foundation for Christian faith and thought, regardless of their vocational or ministerial calling. Students focus on learning biblical books and develop essential theological skills in order to apply them in their life and ministry contexts, within and beyond the church.

Master of Christian Ministry Online(3 years,60 credit hours)

The online Master of Christian Ministry program is designed for distance students, and its courses and degrees are the same as the MCM onsite program. The difference is that the online program is divided into three semesters: Fall, Spring and Summer. The MCM online does not have a concentration but students may choose any Practical Electives (4 credits).

Diploma of Christian Studies (1 year, 30 credit hours)

The objective of this program is to provide fundamental training for those who are preparing for the Christian ministry, but who cannot take a full-time degree program. Diploma students taking courses full-time may finish in one year. All credits are transferable to any one of the degree programs of the seminary.

Diploma in Church Leadership (1.5 year, 30 credit hours)

The objective of this program is to provide training to lay Christian leaders to equip them to serve in churches as elders, deacons and leaders of small groups/ fellowships by providing them with fundamental knowledge of the Bible and theology, as well as the theory and practice of various forms of ministry. The credits of this course can be transferred to all master degree programs.

Certificate of Children Ministry

Based on the biblical principles and the current knowledge about the children ( 0-12 years old) development to train the coworkers for the children ministry at the churches, or just to help the parents and grandparents to understand better how to grow with their children and grandchildren.

Certificate of Family Ministry; Certificate of Family Ministry Teacher

To train the coworkers for the family ministry at the churches based on the current knowledge about the family issues such as parenting, culture difference between OBC (Oversea Born Chinese) and ABC( American Born Chinese), how to grow with teenager, work and faith, marriage and family, single family, mentor, how to support the ill family members, Christian counseling.

Certificate of Evangelism Ministry; Certificate of Evangelism Ministry Teacher

Base on the special knowledge and skill about evangelism to prepare the the brothers and sisters for evangelism ministry, especially for short-term and mid-term missions.

Certificate in Servant Leadership; Certificate of Sunday School Teacher; Certificate of Small Group Leader

Provide adequate training to potential church small group leaders, Sunday school teachers, and church fellowship leaders/deacons/elders.

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