Doctor of Ministry
(4-6 years, 40 credits hours)
The D.Min. program is designed to provide pastors holding an M.Div. (or its equivalent) an opportunity for further training through the guidance of experienced teachers and the mutual sharing of students, such that they may be spiritually vitalized and enabled to reflect on a deeper level the theory and practice of their pastoral ministry or other ministries, to appreciate and integrate the two better with fresh insight, and thus serve churches more effectively.
The program consists of 3 components, including required courses, elective courses and thesis-project.
Required Courses:Contours of Contemporary Ministry in Chinese Churches and Research Methodology for D.Min., (8 credits)
Major Courses:4 courses from the following chosen majors, (16 credits)
Majors Courses Credits Pastoral Counseling Social Problems and Chinese Churches 4 Contemporary Families and Pastoral Counseling 4 Crisis Counseling 4 Spirituality Traditions, Charismatic Experience and Pastoral Care 4 Medical and Legal Issues in Pastoral 4 Church Leadership Managing Conflict at the Leadership Level 4 Training in Local Churches & Para-church Organizations 4 New Models of Church Polity & Worship 4 Pastors’ Continued Education and Renewal 4 Chinese Churches & Leadership Models 4 Medical and Legal Issues in Pastoral Ministry 4 Preachingand Teaching Contemporary Biblical Scholarship & Biblical Interpretation 4 Chinese Tradition and Hermeneutics 4 Advanced Expository Preaching 4 Different Preaching Methods 4 Christian Education & North American Chinese Churches 4 -
Elective courses: students can either choose 2 courses from other majors, or the following courses in Evangelism and Missions, or one or two special topics for guided study. (8 credits).
Majors Courses Credits Evangelism and Missions People Groups, Diverse Media and Evangelism 4 Church Growth and Church Planting 4 The Holy Spirit & Evangelism/ Missions 4 New Developments & New Strategies in Missions 4 Cultural Anthropology and Missions 4 -
The thesis / project must be directly related to the major of study, involve the integration of theory and praxis, demonstrate creativity and make a concrete contribution. It can take the form of an academic dissertation, a training manual, a study guide, or a ministry project. (8 credits).